cold 4bet
99 cold call, 4 bet, or fold?
99 cold call, 4 bet, or fold?
99 cold call, 4 bet, or fold? cold 4bet Cosa c'è di meglio di un freeroll per sperimentare cold 4-bet out of position, floating e triple barrel in bluff senza dover pensare ai risvolti 4x4betwayone A cold 4bet occurs when a player reraises an initial raise and a subsequent 3bet This move can be a powerful weapon, but it requires a deep
4x4betwayone Amount of times I've been cold 4bet light playing live poker : 12 Amount of times someone's said I nearly 4bet you, but not this time
4 4bet net Cold 4bet Created by bigspenda73 on October 2, 2009 Definition To put the 3rd raise in PF Typical action goes Button raises, SB 3bets, and then BB cold spr-poker-video-quiz Hero 3bets in position with AQ, then suddenly faces a 4bet A Cold-4Bet