Optimal cold 4bet Hands in Pot Limit Omaha 6max

THB 1000.00
cold 4bet

cold 4bet  PLO Preflop Course Lesson 7: Optimal cold 4bet Hands in Pot Limit Omaha 6max Having well balances and optimal or close to In this episode, we talk about when to put in the cold 4-bet! POKER COACHING: has grown and now offers top-level coaching

Cold · Littéralement à froid 1 Cold call : Se contenter de payer la mise ou la relance adverse alors qu'une relance est envisageable, généralement Amount of times I've been cold 4bet light playing live poker : 12 Amount of times someone's said I nearly 4bet you, but not this time

Cold 4벳은 팟에 아무런 돈을 넣지 않은 상태에서 4벳을 했을 때를 말합니다 예를 들어서, UTG가 레이즈를 하고 CO가 3벳을 했으며, 여러분이 버튼에서 4 His 4-bet range might not have existed I'm curious what the ranges look like for later position cold 4bets and from the blinds

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